There is nothing more devastating for website or blog owners than seeing all of their work wiped out by hackers. Hacker attacks are a serious concern especially if our …
Money makes the world go round. But if we want our world to keep on going, we need to be careful about our money. And by careful we mean …
What is SSL? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a security protocol for websites that handle sensitive information — for example, personal information, bank accounts or credit …
The idea of creating an FTP account can seem rather daunting to people with little technical experience. It is, however, a simple and straightforward process. There are a number …
Blogging is a trendy way of connecting with people on the Internet. In fact, it allows us to establish valuable connections, as well as share and discuss content online. …
Both avid WordPress users and those that are just starting out have probably heard of Gravatar by now. Gravatar is a personal image that represents us online. Whether we …