How to Start Your Own Domain and Web Hosting Business

How to Start Your Own Domain and Web Hosting Business

There are numerous ways to start making money online. Today, we’re going to talk about how you can start your own domain and web hosting business.

If you happen to be a web developer or even a company that offers web development services, you should definitely consider selling domains and hosting under a brand of your own.

So, if you are on the lookout for a fresh start and a new online business you can make a profit from, you’ve come to the right place.

In fact, starting a domain and web hosting business is the best choice — and we’ll tell you why. First of all, you are going to be the one who sets the terms and conditions, as well as the rates and prices for the product.

Moreover, you have the opportunity to make a living out of this. We’re talking about earning some serious amounts of money. So make sure you’re taking notes and reading carefully!

What Is Web Hosting?

A web hosting business comes down to providing storage space and access for websites.

Getting into the web hosting business on your own might sound like a daunting task. However, we are going to provide you with an overview on how to start your own web hosting company and how to make it work.

The Possibilities

Starting from the easiest one, we have to mention that the fastest and easiest way to become a web hosting business is to become a white label reseller first.

You can choose from numerous services out there, such as GoDaddy and ResellerClub, and they will allow you to create your white label hosting business. At the same time, you will get all the support you need from the main reseller service.

These companies are pretty cheap, and you basically have the option to start with little to no investment at all! Some will require an investment in the amount of $99. However, you can still use this amount to buy hosting packages and domains later.

Let’s break things down step by step:

Step 1: Defining Your Brand

There are plenty of hosting businesses out there, and it might seem worthless to even start a new one. But there are numerous industries that still need web hosts that are going to be tailored exactly for them.

These markets include DDOS-protected servers, green energy web hosts, small business hosting and more!

You need to make sure that your offer is better than what your competitors would bring to the table. So figure out your market and stay away from selling to everyone.

The chances are low to none that you will be able to sell to all user groups. In fact, there are already way too many large hosts able to cater to no specific market. That’s why we’d suggest starting out small and targeting specific buyers.

That means you’ll have to build and define your brand.

Essentially, you need to think about what makes your services unique. And, try to come up with a catchy and memorable name. Finally, don’t forget to stay persistent!

Step 2: Finding a Server Partner

This step might be crucial for your business’ success. If you make a mistake when picking your data center, you might risk losing some of your clients.

That’s why you shouldn’t look for the cheapest server provider. You should find one that offers more than just a low price.

Your server provider should have a good reputation, dedicated support, fast server deployment, protection from DDoS attacks, and, finally, a good price.

Step 3: Setting up the Website, Support Channels, and Billing System

Once you choose your dedicated service and have it set up, you’re ready to go! Well, not just yet, though. You need to create a website that will be the face of your company.

Moreover, you’ll have to step up other systems before starting to sell. In fact, you’ll need billing and client management tools.

That means that you should have a system that will handle customer inquiries, such as Zendesk, OTRS, and Kayako.

The majority of new web hosting companies start off by offering only email support. Over time, with their growth, they start adding other services as well.

Step 4: Fishing for Clients

The moment you have all of your systems up and running, you can start spreading the word about it. Finding clients can be tough, but if you are patient and persistent, your client base will grow for sure.

Make sure you flood the social media with the news about the web hosting business you started. Afterward, once the first clients come to you, make sure you give them an impeccable service that will make them spread the word, too.

Once you’ve exhausted your social media and all your personal networks, you can take it to the next level. That means that you can use Google Adwords, Facebook ads, newspaper ads and more!

Step 5: Growth and Expansion

Having a steady increase in your customer base is crucial for the survival of your business. This means that you have to constantly seek new ways to get new clients and keep them from walking away from you.

We’d recommend that you never forget, no matter how big your business is, the core values and to treat all of your customers properly. If you keep them happy, there’s no way they’ll choose another hosting company over you.

Be open and maintain a transparent relationship with them. Inform them about the downtime, and own up to any problems and issues. Keep them in the loop.

If you are to blame about something, embrace that and take ownership of the mishap. Don’t give them excuses and always do the right thing.

In addition to that, make sure you develop fair downtime, refund policies, and SLAs.

Final Thoughts

To be frank, starting a web hosting business is not going to be easy. However, it will be extremely rewarding if you follow these steps and make sure you do everything properly.

Remember to stay persistent, patient and work hard for it. We can assure you that it will pay off.