How To Write Your First Blog Post? Tips & Tricks For Article Writing

How To Write Your First Blog Post Tips Tricks For Article Writing

Somehow you decided to become a blogger and even it is set up in the platform. Your first post might sound terrifying as it is the start to your new career

The thought of writing a first blog might make you think of the topics and content for many days, even months. But you do not want to take such pressure. Blogging is all about your own luxuries and freedom in writing what you think without any restrictions.

In order to stand alone in the crowd, it is necessary to think about the content you are going to create. That does not mean months, you can just jump off the cliff to know where you are heading to.

 How your first blog post should be written?

Here are some things about you and your passion you should mention,

  • Your identity:

If the content is good, first thing people wish to know is “Who are you?”

They will search the entire post for it and there must be a convincing bio about you.

You can tell them about your past experiences, where you are from, your educational qualification, why you take up blogging seriously, and who are you as a person. It is important to add bright and happy pictures of you for a better connection with your audience.

  • Reason behind blogging:

It makes an impression on readers because if you are not clear about your start, then how can you expect your readers to.

While telling them answer behind the reason you should include details like why should readers should visit your blog and what is there inside your blog post that is different from other bloggers.

If you give a clear perspective of these things, your audience will connect more and feel more bonded. It is a great way to ignite curiosity among readers and to make them visit more often.

  • Content on which your blogs would be:

This is similar to the above question that you should at least give a hint on what your other blogs would be.

You need not break the ice by telling them everything. Just tell them the category on which your blogs would be mostly covered and so on.

You can also inform your schedule of which days you will be posting your blogs. This helps the readers to engage in other activities and turn up during the scheduled time.

  • Choosing audience:

Do not forget to tell the type of audiences your blogs are targeting about. Are you writing blogs on education, health, lifestyle or nutrition?

Make sure you target the type of audience you are choosing for reading your blogs.

  • Involvement:

It is very important to involve your audience with you. Make sure you are open to receive comments and opinions regarding your post.

You should be prepared to receive disagreement with your idea or sometimes you might receive negative comments too. Make sure their comments are received and encouraged.

  • Making use of social media:

In today’s world of digital enhancements, it is very easy for the bloggers to connect with their social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

They are powerful tools to share your posts, remind your audience of your motto, connecting them through chats and live chats.

Proofread all your contents

As they say, first impression really makes the best impression. Make sure you emerge with a unique idea or make the content with your creative thoughts.

If it is same as every other blog, the audience will not show any interest then. Every writer must outline their content as a draft and start developing them. This helps them not to go beyond the topic.

After writing the most important work to be done is proofreading. Even a small grammar or spelling mistake can make them judge you in a negative way. Check for grammar mistakes and provide them unique content without plagiarism.

Do not forget to add images and interactive content

Follow interactive writing style as it makes you engaging with the audience. If you keep on providing facts, then the audience might be bored and exhausted.

There are higher chances of distraction. So add related and licensed images, videos and quotations. These are small elements that make your blog look neat, interactive and elegant. Dig deeper and research well.

Your information is going to impact many lives. Hence provide genuine information with images and interactive quizzes.

Suggestions on your first blog post

A first blog post can be an introduction about you and your start of writing a blog. Your name, place of living, where this idea of creating blogs started, and what you are going to do with the blog website.

It helps for the future audiences to come back and read about you. It also helps your audience to know about your passion and motive for starting blog writing.

Many people might have the idea but do not have the faith or push to start doing it. For such people, you can be inspiring. You should be able to open your heart in this for making it a better career.

Even you do not wish to earn from these blogs and are passionate only on writing, the introduction blog about you and your life connects more than any other topic.

Still, you think you do not wish to expose your life or a more private person, and then you can give a short intro and can get into the topic.

First blog post – Always special

Starting a blog post is not important, but increasing your audience count right from first day is most important. Do not rush in writing your blog post as your first post will be going to your first blog forever. Go slow, steady, and give your best in the first article.

The first article will help your audience to know better about yourself and engage with you. If we find an engaging or connecting scene in a movie, suddenly we get a feeling that cannot be put in words.

Every time we watch the movie, it will always be a pleasure. Similarly, every time the audience read your post, they must connect with you.